What’s The Difference Between Teaching Teenagers Vs Young Learners?
According to The TEFL Academy Reviews , As a teacher of English as a foreign language (or TEFL teacher), you will have a lot on your mind. When planning lessons, you need to consider the educational background of your learners, their nationalities, their first languages, their interests – and their ages. You might be wondering: what’s the difference between teaching teenagers vs Young Learners? As an adult yourself, you will be familiar with the learning process of adults. While you may well end up teaching English to adults, there is also a high chance you’ll find yourself teaching English to teens and Young Learners. So what’s the difference between teaching English to teenagers versus Young Learners? The obvious answer is their age (duh!) but how does age affect learning a foreign language? Let’s look at a few characteristics of adolescents and children and discuss some ideas for teaching both age groups. Characteristics of adolescent learners T...