How can you teach English when you don’t have a teaching degree? - The TEFL Academy Reviews

 You might think that to teach English as a foreign language you need to have a teaching degree, but you’d be wrong!

Because that’s what a TEFL qualification is for.

A TEFL course teaches you the foundations of teaching English as a foreign language. It prepares you for every step of the teaching process — from planning a lesson, creating and sourcing lesson materials, and teaching different levels to classroom management, teaching English grammar and conducting assessments. After a TEFL course you are 100% ready to step into an EFL classroom — even without any experience.

The TEFL Academy is an internationally recognized and accredited TEFL course provider. A TEFL qualification from The TEFL Academy gives you all the tools you need to teach English as a foreign language abroad, in your home country, or online.

Let’s look at some reviews from The TEFL Academy alumni who don’t have teaching degrees to find out what TEFL teachers are really saying about The TEFL Academy course.

The TEFL Academy reviews: Jason

According to The TEFL Academy Reviews, Jason is from the UK. Not only does he not have a degree in teaching, he doesn’t have a degree at all!

“ I have never taught anyone anything in my life. I don’t come from a teaching background and to be honest I never saw myself as a teacher! But I thought “what the hell”! The whole process of getting a TEFL qualification was really straightforward. It turns out this was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

I left England a few months after doing the TEFL course and headed to Thailand. I scoured the internet for local teaching jobs, and found a company that has offices and teachers all over the world. I sent them an email on a Tuesday. I received an email back the following day asking me to attend an interview later that day. I got the job the next day! I couldn’t believe it! I also don’t have a degree, so I thought that might have been a problem, it wasn’t.”

The TEFL Academy reviews: Conor

Conor graduated from university with a degree in Law and Psychology. After graduating, he decided to take a year to travel, experience a new culture and learn another language.

The TEFL Academy course provided the perfect opportunity to do all of that while also providing the opportunity for valuable work experience in a career totally different to what I had studied at university.

After completing the course, I had all the resources needed to begin teaching. I was soon offered a position in a school in a small city in Mexico. I accepted and moved there within a few weeks. Living and working in a Spanish-speaking country with such a rich culture has been so exciting.”

The TEFL Academy courses

The TEFL Academy Reviews offers both 120-hour and 168-hour TEFL courses (Level 3 and Level 5). That might not seem like a very long qualification, but a TEFL course is intensive and thorough. Because of this, a good TEFL course is able to prepare you to teach English as a foreign language even without a teaching degree.


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